Wednesday, May 23, 2007

One bad little tugger

This video is funny because we've trained my other dogs not to tug like this, but she's still a puppy and doesn't know any better. Plus it's cute. But the other dogs reprimand her when she plays tug of war.
And at the end of this video, that's Addie barking at her as if to say, "Hey! If the human wants the toy let go of it!" And she drops it and runs.
It makes me giggle every time.

Friday, May 11, 2007

Down a Louisiana highway

Here are some photos taken on our trip to Ruston. Along Hwy. 167, they're expanding it in fascinating ways.
First there's this.

Nathan says the utility company didn't move the poles like they were supposed to, so highway guys just dug around them.

Let's take a closer look at that:

All you can say is wtf?!

Then there's the sad reality of the houses being torn down to make way for this new highway. There are half demolished, half lived in neighborhoods along the roadway that I couldn't look at without wondering who lived there and for how long and how much it probably hurts them to see their family homes turned into heaps of rubble.

This one I just liked.

Thursday, May 03, 2007

Insane in the membrane, insane in the brain.

So, we had to take this personality quiz at work, and it said I'm a left brained thinker. So much so, that I apparently don't use my right brain at all.
I'll admit that makes me kind of sad. Because I hate accounting.
Now, I've done some research and I think that I have the characteristics of both. Maybe a tendency to favor left over right but this description of a right-brained person is all me:
"Right brains are non-judgmental and often have no opinion on many topics. They can see both sides and are often seen as wishy washy or lacking values."
(about the only thing I have a strong opinion on is abortion, journalism and music.)
I learned right-brainers also tend to daydream and get distracted a lot and that's me too.
But I'm sure all of this stuff you learned in high school is very boring and causing your mind to wander. I can barely stay focused... because this post is boring me, too.

So, let's talk about how Avril Lavigne is part of a giant record-company conspiracy to find the music market's stupidity threshold.
"She's like so whatever..."
And I can't believe I just quoted her.

Every week, I have to fill out a weekly report for my boss. I basically have to tell her what I'm doing with my time, which is a good idea. So, if I spend time writing my weekly report, I put that in there... even though it's obvious I spent some time to write up my weekly report because it's obviously written. (Sentences like that make me wish I could use a more diverse mix of words to express myself) But my point is that my weekly report reminds me of twittering.

I just cooked some Mexican lasagna.
It's cooling on the stove.
I'm so ready to eat it.

Now for some shocking news that is both ironic and shocking:
The UPS guy delivered our new "invisible fence" today. We're using it because the dogs keep jumping the visible fence and we don't want them to get hit on our busy road.
The 8-week-old puppy stays in the front yard during the day.
Well, the delivery guy drops off the package on our front stoop and leaves the gate open.
Amazingly, she didn't wander into the road and get hit.
But Nathan didn't realize that the gate was open and let the other two out when he got home. And Addie, being the blockhead Skinny B that she is, walks straight into the road and the puppy follows her.
Nathan said Addie did a good job of dodging (she's jumps the fence so much it's probably a fun game of chicken for her) but the puppy almost "caught a tire," as he put it.
See? What did I tell you? Shock and irony.