Plumbing? What plumbing?

Well, after 3 years in Arkansas, I finally made it up to the Ozarks to check out the fall foliage.
Talk about incredible!
We went to White Rock Mountain and got to our campsite at sundown. There was just enough light to walk down to this overlook and look out onto the most fantastic view I've ever seen. I tried to get pictures, but it was too dark. It had been kind of cloudy all day. But I was all excited about getting pics of the sunrise the next morning on the Eastern side of the mountain. But, about 2 a.m. a storm rolled in and the next morning the mountain was covered in mud and fog. So, I only got one good pic that I like. And that's a crying shame because they said they hadn't seen color this amazing in about 7 years. But even if I had gotten a billion clear pictures, none of them could have done this place justice. So, I'm consoling myself with that thought.
And I'm posting my one good pic here.
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