The Great Snowstorm of '07
When we awoke, our world was covered in snow and ice. The backyard was silent, bleak and beautiful. Would we make it to work alive? No one knew.

There were signs that during the night the snow had come in sideways. The markings it left on trees were like claws reaching out for the next frozen termite treat.

Animals were venturing into our backyard, scavenging for anything they could find. (Good thing we remembered to secure the lid on the trashcan...) Nathan got close enough to this wild dog to take her photograph before she caught sight of him and then scampered off into the forest pursuing a skinny and malnourished gazelle.

The gazelle managed to escape from the weakened and desperate jaws of the wild dog. She trotted back to the yard to resume her scavenging. Shivering and hungry, she was easily subdued.

Then the sun rose and we joined the throngs commuting to work. It was dangerous business, and took waaaaaay to long, but we had important work to do. Someone had to read Hints from Heloise, by God, and we were going to be there. (cue the feel-good patriotic-type music..)

There were signs that during the night the snow had come in sideways. The markings it left on trees were like claws reaching out for the next frozen termite treat.

Animals were venturing into our backyard, scavenging for anything they could find. (Good thing we remembered to secure the lid on the trashcan...) Nathan got close enough to this wild dog to take her photograph before she caught sight of him and then scampered off into the forest pursuing a skinny and malnourished gazelle.

The gazelle managed to escape from the weakened and desperate jaws of the wild dog. She trotted back to the yard to resume her scavenging. Shivering and hungry, she was easily subdued.

Then the sun rose and we joined the throngs commuting to work. It was dangerous business, and took waaaaaay to long, but we had important work to do. Someone had to read Hints from Heloise, by God, and we were going to be there. (cue the feel-good patriotic-type music..)

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